lvyou 发表于 2023-9-17 22:15:39

英国United Kingdom的世界文化与自然遗产名录


1.圭内斯郡爱德华国王城堡和城墙 Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd (1986)
2.达勒姆大教堂和城堡 Durham Castle and Cathedral (1986)
3.“巨人之路”及其海岸 Giant's Causeway and Causeway Coast (1986)
4.乔治铁桥区 Ironbridge Gorge (1986)
5.圣基尔达岛 St Kilda (1986)
6.“巨石阵”、埃夫伯里及周围的巨石遗迹 Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites (1986)
7.斯塔德利皇家公园和喷泉修道院遗址 Studley Royal Park including the Ruins of Fountains Abbey (1986)
8.布莱尼姆宫 Blenheim Palace (1987)
9.巴斯城 City of Bath (1987)
10.罗马帝国的边界 Frontiers of the Roman Empire (1987)
11.威斯敏斯特宫殿和教堂以及圣玛格丽特教堂 Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey including Saint Margaret’s Church (1987)
12.坎特伯雷大教堂、圣奥古斯汀教堂和圣马丁教堂 Canterbury Cathedral, St Augustine's Abbey, and St Martin's Church (1988)
13.享德森岛 Henderson Island (1988)
14.伦敦塔 Tower of London (1988)
15.戈夫岛和伊纳克塞瑟布尔岛 Gough and Inaccessible Islands (1995)
16.爱丁堡的新镇、老镇 Old and New Towns of Edinburgh (1995)
17.格林威治海岸地区 Maritime Greenwich (1997)
18.奥克尼新石器时代遗址 Heart of Neolithic Orkney (1999)
19.卡莱纳冯工业区景观 Blaenavon Industrial Landscape (2000)
20.百慕大群岛上的圣乔治镇及相关的要塞 Historic Town of St George and Related Fortifications, Bermuda (2000)
21.德文特河谷工业区 Derwent Valley Mills (2001)
22.多塞特和东德文海岸 Dorset and East Devon Coast (2001)
23.新拉纳克 New Lanark (2001)
24.索尔泰尔 Saltaire (2001)
25.伦敦基尤皇家植物园 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (2003)
利物浦海上商城 Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (2004)(2021年除名)
26.康沃尔和西德文矿区景观 Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape (2006)
27.庞特基西斯特输水道及运河 Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal (2009)
28.摩拉维亚居留区 Moravian Church Settlements (2015年)29.弗斯桥 The Forth Bridge (2015)
30.戈勒姆岩洞 Gorham's Cave Complex (2016)
31.英格兰湖区 The English Lake District (2017)
32.卓瑞尔河岸天文台 Jodrell Bank Observatory (2019)
33.欧洲温泉疗养胜地 The Great Spa Towns of Europe (2021) *
34.威尔士西北部的板岩景观 The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales (2021)

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